texttheater / produce

Replacement for Make geared towards processing data rather than compiling code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

“ERROR: recipe failed” cites the wrong recipe

texttheater opened this issue · comments

Situation: a recipe crashes and Produce responds by killing all running recipes.

Expected behavior: an ERROR message is displayed saying which recipe originally crashed.

Actual behavior: the displayed ERROR message sometimes quotes one of the recipes killed by Produce. (It is technically correct that those failed, because they were killed, but the user will be interested in the root cause.)

For example: it-en.wordalign crashes (that’s where the Python traceback comes from), but the ERROR message quotes the recipe for en-de.en.vcb.classes:

complete          retrain/wordalign/it-en.cooc
building file    retrain/wordalign/it-en.dict
complete         retrain/wordalign/it-en.dict
building file   retrain/wordalign/it-en.wordalign
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./src/python/dict2wordalign.py", line 80, in <module>
    assert len(trgid_lists) == len(for_tokens)
incomplete      retrain/wordalign/it-en.wordalign
incomplete         retrain/wordalign/en-de.de.vcb.classes
incomplete         retrain/wordalign/en-de.en.vcb.classes
ERROR: recipe failed: ./ext/mgizapp/bin/mkcls -n10 -pretrain/wordalign/en-de.en.low -Vretrain/wordalign/en-de.en.vcb.classes