testcontainers / testcontainers-scala

Docker containers for testing in scala

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how can I create a Schema Registry test container and connect it to a Kafka test container?

eladgazit opened this issue · comments

All you need that is:

  1. Create Kafka and Schema Registry containers in the same Network
  2. Pass kafka bootstrap server to Schema Registry environment

I don't pretend to the perfect usage of testcontainers (so if anyone can review it and notice my mistakes that will be great). I prefer to create a generic (in case Schema Registry, Zookeeper and etc) container and pass it to the custom wrapper with necessary methods.
Thus, I create KafkaContainer

import org.testcontainers.containers.{KafkaContainer, Network}
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

class KafkaNodeContainer(container: KafkaContainer) {
  def getInternalHost: String = container.getEnvMap.asScala("KAFKA_HOST_NAME")

  def getBootstrap: String = container.getBootstrapServers

  def close(): Unit = container.close()

object KafkaNodeContainer {
  def make(network: Network, brokerId: Int = 1, withExternalZookeeper: Boolean = false): KafkaNodeContainer = {
    val hostName = s"kafka$brokerId"

    val container = new KafkaContainer(
        Map[String, String](
          "KAFKA_BROKER_ID" -> brokerId.toString,
          "KAFKA_HOST_NAME" -> hostName,
          "KAFKA_AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS_ENABLE" -> "false"
    if (withExternalZookeeper) container.withExternalZookeeper("zookeeper:2181")


    new KafkaNodeContainer(container)

Note: Thread.sleep(10000L) need for initialization #134

then, SchemaRegistryContainer

import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.GenericContainer
import org.testcontainers.containers.Network

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

class SchemaRegistryContainer(container: GenericContainer) {
  private val schemaPort = 8081

  def schemaUrl: SchemaUrl = SchemaUrl(s"http://${container.container.getHost}:${container.container.getMappedPort(schemaPort)}")

  def close(): Unit = container.container.close()

object SchemaRegistryContainer {
  def make(network: Network, kafkaHost: String): SchemaRegistryContainer = {
    val container = new GenericContainer(dockerImage = "confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:6.1.1")


    new SchemaRegistryContainer(container)

and, finally, combine containers inside test

val network: Network = Network.newNetwork()
val kfkNode: KafkaNodeContainer = KafkaNodeContainer.make(network)
val schNode: SchemaRegistryContainer = SchemaRegistryContainer.make(network, kfkNode.getInternalHost)

You could check the full example in repo

@mikhailchuryakov thanks for sharing! Would you like to contribute this as a PR?

@dimafeng Yes, sure! But I need a little time.