test-kitchen / kitchen-google

Google Compute Engine driver for Test-Kitchen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

server timeout on custom images.

jcarapet opened this issue · comments

I have an issue with running test-kitchen with this plugin, specifically when I am trying to create and run a custom made instance of mine.

I (meaning my coworker) took a base debian image, copied over needed credentials for it to work with Google Compute, and imported them onto a base ubuntu image and uploaded it. I am confirmed able to build it with the google UI.

I am also able to create a working and converged vm using one of the instances created by google. However, when I substitute the name of my VM in the image_name: section, it creates and image and then continues a waiting for reply for eternity.

Is this a known bug with kitchen-gce, or is this something that might be associated with my config setup on Google compute? Let me know if you have any other questions

Thanks for opening the issue; this wasn't a known problem, so I'll try to replicate and come back with a fix or further questions.

Okay great. let me know if you need any info from me.

I haven't been able to replicate the problem with a custom instance I created today; can you paste the output from a failed "kitchen create" and the contents of your .kitchen.yml into the issue (sanitized as needed, of course)? Thanks.

here you go. It hangs up immediately after the creation of a VM. There isn't a lot to display as it just gives the "waiting for VM" response for all eternity. At this point, I am thinking has something to do with my login credentials for SSH for a config issue when I created the VM.

An interesting thing of note is that there is a delay on destroying the VM when running kitchen destroy the VM shows up as existing for at least a few minutes. It may be related to them charging a minimum of 10 minutes, I don't know. I am grasping at straws here.


It looks like we're getting stuck looping through test_ssh:


which is just a test that something comes up on the instance's port 22/tcp. Is there anything different about connecting to this image? Once test-kitchen creates the instance, does SSH on the command line work?

Issue remains with kitchen create. I don't have access to creating

JeffCarapetyans-MacBook-Pro:devops_855_test thisguy$ kitchen create
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.2.2.dev)
-----> Creating ...
GCE instance created.
.. (server ready)
Waiting for
Waiting for
Waiting for
^CJeffCarapetyans-MacBook-Pro:devops_855_test thisguy$ kitchen login
JeffCarapetyans-MacBook-Pro:devops_855_test thisguy$ ssh thisguy@
ssh: Could not resolve hostname nodename nor servname provided, or not known
JeffCarapetyans-MacBook-Pro:devops_855_test thisguy$

running off my partners account which I don't have UI access to. I will wait on him and get back to you. This is looking more like an issue on my end than a code bug.

I think you want:

ssh thisguy@

instead of:

ssh thisguy@

when testing the created instance - let me know what you find.

Closing this out, at least for now. Please feel free to re-open if you'd like me to explore further.

not a problem. We tabled this for now. Thanks for follow up.