terroo / wallset

A wallpaper manager that makes it possible to put videos as wallpaper

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Wallset video feature MP4 compression issues

vsawce opened this issue · comments

The video feature compresses the MP4 file rather than displaying the source quality. The video tested is a simple 7 second, 1920*1080, 9MB MP4 video.

It was set using wallset --video [directory] using both regular and superuser privileges.

Comparison (you may need to view in full-screen, open the image in a new window):

Issue occurs on Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon.
CPU: Ryzen 2700x
GPU: GTX 1060 3GB
Memory: 16GB 2933MHz

A workaround is to adjust the ffmpeg arguments under the _video function.

Adding "-qscale:v [2-31, 2 = better quality and 31 = worst quality]" before "-t 10" should fix poor compression issues. Note that in able for this workaround to work, you must uninstall and reinstall wallset using "sudo ./install.sh uninstall" and then preferably restart your computer.

However, this workaround seems to slow the frame-rate somewhat, even after minimizing/deleting the sleep statement under the feh loop. The issue seems to stem from a limit of feh's speed.

I commented out the convert and feh lines and reduced sleep to 0.005

How to copy and use wallset for local user only in #44