terriko / pyknit

A set of tools for knitters to create charts and eventually more.

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pyknit.py main() fails to run

ben-hampson opened this issue · comments

The main() function isn't working properly.

Attempt 1: in the CLI: pyknit 'k2 p4':

pyKnit 0.0.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/venv-3.8-jupyter/bin/pyknit", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('pyknit', 'console_scripts', 'pyknit')())
  File "/Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit.py", line 213, in main
    print(pyknit.parse_written(args.instruction_row, legend))
NameError: name 'pyknit' is not defined

Attempt 2: Running using the venv Python interpreter: /Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/venv-3.8-jupyter/bin/python /Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit.py:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit.py", line 13, in <module>
    from pyknit import GaugeSwatch, Chart
  File "/Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit.py", line 13, in <module>
    from pyknit import GaugeSwatch, Chart
ImportError: cannot import name 'GaugeSwatch' from partially initialized module 'pyknit' (most likely due to a circular import) (/Users/bhampson/code/learn/pycon-us-2021/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit/pyknit.py)

Related error:
parse_written is not imported.

I suspect that's because of some restructuring we did to the class. It should probably be import pyknit and then use pyknit.GaugeSwatch and the like the way we do in the updated examples.

I was able to resolve this error by renaming pyknit.py
and importing it as the last import of __init__.py

I was able to resolve this error by renaming pyknit.py and importing it as the last import of __init__.py #43