terrastruct / d2

D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.

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scale sequence diagram arrows to account for font-size

nacho-villanueva opened this issue · comments

In a sequence diagram, a self-message that contains a long (multi line) message, the arrow becomes occluded.

Not sure if there is a way to solve this currently.
Ideally the arrow should become slightly larger in order to display that message and the arrow appropriately.

Here is an example:

shape: sequence_diagram
(** -> **)[*].style.font-size: 24
(** -> **)[*].style.font-color: black

Front-End.t1 -> Libreria.t1: generatePresentationPayload()
Libreria.t1 -> Libreria.t1: Generar y Firmar\nPrueba de Titularidad
Libreria.t1 -> Front-End.t1: Presentacion Firmada
