terrakok / kmp-web-wizard

Wizard for Kotlin Multiplatform

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Can't publish Library

swapnil-musale opened this issue · comments

I have created the library using this web wizard. After doing the initial release code and setting up sonatype config on project. i was trying to release the initial version by running the ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToSonatypeRepository which is giving me an error.

Seems like there is some issue in task linking with each other or may be something else on my side. For better understanding I'm attaching screenshot of the error.

Can you please guide me what is the issue and how can i fix it.
Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 2 22 42 AM

Please, never take a screenshots of logs!

try to add this code block to the end of ./convention-plugins/src/main/kotlin/convention.publication.gradle.kts

 afterEvaluate {
    tasks.all {
      if (name.startsWith("compileTestKotlin")) {
        val target = name.substring("compileTestKotlin".length)
        val sign = try {
        } catch (e: Throwable) {
        if (sign != null) {

if it helps, i will add the fix to the wizard

try to add this code block to the end of ./convention-plugins/src/main/kotlin/convention.publication.gradle.kts

 afterEvaluate {
    tasks.all {
      if (name.startsWith("compileTestKotlin")) {
        val target = name.substring("compileTestKotlin".length)
        val sign = try {
        } catch (e: Throwable) {
        if (sign != null) {

Above mentioned code didn't worked but following different solution mentioned in the gradle
Below code worked for me

val signingTasks = tasks.withType<Sign>()
tasks.withType<AbstractPublishToMaven>().configureEach {

thank you. I will add it

Although project is compiling with this change but I'm not able to see my lib on sonatype website

So not sure this is working or not

Hey @terrakok
Just for demo purpose I've created a dummy library with sample code base and tried to publish the library and hoilla it works.
Dummy Library : implementation("io.github.swapnil-musale.klibrary:kLibrary:1.0")
Just found 2 issue in the template code

  1. To fix the above mentioned error have add below code in ./convention-plugins/src/main/kotlin/convention.publication.gradle.kts this file :
val signingTasks = tasks.withType<Sign>()
tasks.withType<AbstractPublishToMaven>().configureEach {
  1. Command mentioned in the README.md file is not correct synthetically. Need to remove the :dodo: from the original command. So it will be become like ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToSonatypeRepository.

If you want I can work on these 2 changes.

yes, please! it would be awesome 👍