Terra J. Riley's repositories


The client wanted to take the Earning Call Transcripts from Finding Alpha and have them analyzed for sentiment and complexity

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Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Answers to 120 commonly asked data science interview questions.



In responce to: The team wants to find the month they're likely to contact the most clients, so they can schedule a product upgrade announcement. Which month does the team tend to contact the greatest percentage of its clients?

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Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


The following repository will provide instructions on how to retrieve your data as well as a Jupyter Notebook on suggestions for processing the data and generating insights.

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The main project of this repository is to create the means to relably create custom Dnd monsters without having to worry about balencing issues. The secondary purpose is to obtain and house information on 5e such that decisions can be made about what one would like for their character before purchasing the required materials from DNDBeyond.

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For the final project (AKA capstone) of my data science intensive I decided to attempt to use sentimentalization to discover evidence of and correlations to toxicity or supportiveness of the cultures of individual youtube channels.

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Gathering data to best plan for obtaining close to a full pokedex.

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I was curious about what the probability of different ability scores in the primary ability score generation method of D&D, so I created some Python loops and found out!

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I was curious about what rolling with Advantage and Disadvantage actually means, so I found out! :)

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In this repository I will be teaching myself (with the help of research) how to make a recommendation system for dresses.

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Web scraping and analyzing data on fast foods.

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This repository is specifically for showing relevant experience to those at the Mason Tillman firm.

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Building a neural network on twitter posts to identify hate speech.

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I discovered data on how cannabis effected depression, anxiety and stress. With the lack of proper testing of cannabis combined with the increase of legalization, I feel there's an importance in being able to understand it further. For this project I wanted to be able to predict how one would feel after ingesting cannabis.

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Trading platform for digital currencies



Started as a project for DSI, now further developed into it's own explorative project.

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If I have not yet given you my resume, it can also be found here.



Screenshotting state COVID data pages and config files describing said screenshots.



This is a repository to test something on.

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This is just a first run of an older dataset to help get myself on track to produce a data project per week. Nothing super fancy going on here.

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Problem Statement: What correlation, if any, can be found between the steps that Blizzard's Overwatch has taken to reduce the toxicity in their gaming community and the actual level of said toxicity?

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A place to practice and store visualizations that I've created.



This is a repository for all of my notebooks that I've used to gather data via webscraping or API's. While there is likely a copy of each notebook in their respective repositories many of those projects have been shelved for various reasons and I'd like to have one place for all of my webscraping code, API code & data.

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With the blessing that is a few thousand data-related job postings from glassdoor.com I will be looking for insights to better answerr the question: Just what is it, exactly, that companies want from their data scientists?

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Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0