terrafx / terrafx.interop.windows

Interop bindings for Windows.

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Add the errhandlingapi.h methods (SetErrorMode, etc)

0xC0000054 opened this issue · comments

I am in the process of converting a .NET 6 project to use TerraFx, and SetErrorMode is the only missing method that I use.

After looking at the docs any reason why you prefer SetErrorMode over SetThreadErrorMode?

After looking at the docs any reason why you prefer SetErrorMode over SetThreadErrorMode?

I call SetErrorMode during process startup to prevent the critical error handler dialog from being displayed.
From the SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS documentation:

Best practice is that all applications call the process-wide SetErrorMode function with a parameter of SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS at startup. This is to prevent error mode dialogs from hanging the application.