terraform-linters / tflint

A Pluggable Terraform Linter

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Add `terraform get` hook in recursive inspection

wata727 opened this issue · comments


To perform recursive inspection with --module, you must download child modules beforehand in each working directory. This means you need to run terraform init (or terraform get) recursively.

However, Terraform does not provide an efficient way to do this. For local modules, #1502 solves this issue by eliminating the need for terraform get, but remote modules still have this issue.


Add a configuration hook that runs terraform get on each directory when performing recursive inspection. Imagine something like below:

config {
  run_terraform_get = true

The above is the simplest idea, so there may be a better configuration. Terragrunt's design may be helpful.

Enabling this flag will run terraform get before performing an inspection. It will probably run around here:

This hook will result in an error if the Terraform binary is not installed. It is your responsibility to install Terraform and set up credentials for private repositories/registries, and TFLint just invoke a command. This allows us to keep the considerations in TFLint regarding module downloads to a minimum.

To run terraform get programmatically, we can use terraform-exec.
