terraform-linters / tflint

A Pluggable Terraform Linter

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Unmaintained dependency go-flags

rudyardrichter opened this issue · comments

(This isn't really a feature proposal per se, apologies if this is the wrong format!)


It appears that the go-flags project is no longer maintained. It would be nice to remove the dependency on go-flags.


The current option parsing is probably simple enough to just use the standard library flag package (though the parsing might look different with #1618).

Feel free to submit a PR if you're interested in contributing this. Otherwise, I don't think we need an open issue here, since "not maintained" is just a negative way to frame "done." If there are maintenance issues going unsolved that affect TFLint then it becomes an issue.

Not to say this might not change, but it'll likely be for user-facing motivations like subcommands versus an internal refactor because a module isn't getting any more updates.

Ok thank you! Just wanted to gauge if such a PR would be welcome.

"not maintained" is just a negative way to frame "done."

In this case, go-flags actually has open bugs and one issue to update a dependency past CVE-affected versions.

Fair enough, does the CVE apply to TFLint's usage? If so we should retitle this issue around that and fork/vendor/fix immediately, regardless of refactoring plans.

At a glance, I don't think it affects tflint; probably just a good idea to move away before other CLI-related work happens.