terra-money / core

GO implementation of the Terra Protocol

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unjail not working

TaeGuNi opened this issue · comments


unjail not working

r u using same account, as the transaction is not showing under your validator account ?


@awsdataarchitect Thank you for answer. I have only one accout in my test node.

I did follow that.

~ $ terrad tx slashing unjail --from <key_name> -y --chain-id=pisco-1 -b block --fees=30000uluna
Enter keyring passphrase:
code: 4
codespace: slashing
data: ""
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: c3BlbmRlcg==
    value: dGVycmExd2h0ZnRwdTJ0c2N6OTNhNmFweGp1ODg1cmMwNWp1NDN3aHhkZzM=
  - index: false
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1bHVuYQ==
  type: coin_spent
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
    value: dGVycmExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxrYWVxZmE=
  - index: false
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1bHVuYQ==
  type: coin_received
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: cmVjaXBpZW50
    value: dGVycmExN3hwZnZha20yYW1nOTYyeWxzNmY4NHoza2VsbDhjNWxrYWVxZmE=
  - index: false
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: dGVycmExd2h0ZnRwdTJ0c2N6OTNhNmFweGp1ODg1cmMwNWp1NDN3aHhkZzM=
  - index: false
    key: YW1vdW50
    value: MzAwMDB1bHVuYQ==
  type: transfer
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: c2VuZGVy
    value: dGVycmExd2h0ZnRwdTJ0c2N6OTNhNmFweGp1ODg1cmMwNWp1NDN3aHhkZzM=
  type: message
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: ZmVl
    value: MzAwMDB1bHVuYQ==
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: dGVycmExd2h0ZnRwdTJ0c2N6OTNhNmFweGp1ODg1cmMwNWp1NDN3aHhkZzMvNDg=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: false
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
    value: dGlwWExwVFBOSiswUEZRT21IVjBlYS84RlBEUmFSbGpLeWwrMTV6cDRwSW5EOXJmLzR0Qnd5elFDL1Nqc05jcm1SUS9Lc0tzZGZZSnA5emxhb0srUXc9PQ==
  type: tx
gas_used: "61150"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "144533"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: validator still jailed; cannot
  be unjailed'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 3D62571595E12FA058786AD3510A9D0C690753BF1B4FABE6E87A2F0EA506C077

TX 3D62571595E12FA058786AD3510A9D0C690753BF1B4FABE6E87A2F0EA506C077 has message with validator_addr.


{"validator_addr": "terravaloper1whtftpu2tscz93a6apxju885rc05ju43wc2scz" }
~ $terrad status 

What is wrong with the command below?

~ $ terrad tx slashing unjail --from <key_name> -y --chain-id=pisco-1 -b block --fees=30000uluna

The Terra docs page says:

terrad tx slashing unjail <terra> --chain-id=<chain_id> --from=<from>
  • <terra> is the address of your validator account.
  • <name> is the name of the validator account. To find this information, run terrad keys list.
    ::: {warning}
    If you don't wait for terrad to sync before running unjail, an error message will inform you that your validator is still jailed.

I'm not able to add <terra> with unjail command.

Any help would be appreciated.

dumb question but assuming you are replacing terra and <form>?


I think there could be two problems.


	if found {
		// cannot be unjailed if tombstoned
		if info.Tombstoned {
			return types.ErrValidatorJailed

		// cannot be unjailed until out of jail
		if ctx.BlockHeader().Time.Before(info.JailedUntil) {
			return types.ErrValidatorJailed

So I checked the signing-info.

~ $ terrad q slashing signing-info '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"NXwdFCAtwlW2SD0wgjTPBQatIt1nRyQXB7brdmJr/Yo="}'
address: terravalcons1hzte9e485c8630wzjf0783pjx62g49zrv2a34x
index_offset: "3783"
jailed_until: "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z"
missed_blocks_counter: "9"
start_height: "134228"
tombstoned: true

Why does my node's signing-info have below values?

"jailed_until" is "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z". And "tombstoned" is "true".

How can I change that?

unfortunately you cannot do anything for a "tombstoned" validator as you can see its jailed till 9999-12-31. it happens when same validator signs double blocks on two nodes for example.. only solution is to create new validator


@awsdataarchitect Thank you for answer.