terra-money / core

GO implementation of the Terra Protocol

Home Page:https://www.terra.money

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Help me, I can't create a validator

oneusdt opened this issue · comments

terrad tx staking create-validator \

--amount=5000000uluna \
--pubkey=$(terrad tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="validator" \
--chain-id="phoenix"-1 \
--from="validator" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \

Error: validator.info: key not found

terrad keys add validator --recover

(recover existing wallet or create new then send 1-2 luna there but no bridge exist for v2 unless u got an airdrop)

@awsdataarchitect Thank you so much. Please leave your wallet address and I'll give you a tip.

@awsdataarchitect I only have lunc and three Lunas now. I will support you when I get the airdrop. Thank you. How do I create a new wallet?

@awsdataarchitect Can I do lunc validator node?

No, they have disabled it for Lunc

@awsdataarchitect I also hold 500 million LUNC, I want to do something for it, can't let it fail.

Not sure but try stake it with any existing Lunc validator

@awsdataarchitect I'll just have to be patient.