terra-money / core

GO implementation of the Terra Protocol

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terrad tendermint show-validator does not return the public Consensus key

awsdataarchitect opened this issue · comments


it returns something like
instead of
Example: terravalconspub1zcjduc3qcyj09qc03elte23zwshdx92jm6ce88fgc90rtqhjx8v0608qh5ssp0w94c

This is needed to create the validator right

No. Current output is correct for pubkey paramter for tx staking create-validator

@hanjukim any idea why this is failing
terrad gentx validator 10uluna --chain-id phoenix-1
Error: failed to validate genesis state: genesis supply is incorrect, expected 1000000000000000uluna, got 1000000000000010uluna

terrad start also errors
Error: error during handshake: error on replay: validator set is nil in genesis and still empty after InitChain