terra-money / LocalTerra

One-click local Terra testnet and ecosystem for rapid prototyping

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quick question

obnoxiousish opened this issue · comments

I was wondering if there was an easy way to setup this LocalTerra to actually be for colombus-4 and have public facing RPC / node i could use for my terra station for example. I setup my own terrad and setting up lcd/fcd with terracli being gone seems to be missing a proper guide and this looked potentially easier.


sorry for the late response.

the purpose of LocalTerra is to make it easy for smart contract developers to test out their contracts on a sandboxed environment before moving to a live testnet or mainnet. like readme.md mentioned, not to run mainnet node.

and terracli is not gone. :) just merged into terrad. you can use terrad like terracli.