termstandard / colors

Color standards for terminal emulators

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use SemVer

pocc opened this issue · comments

SemVer is the industry standard means of software versioning. Github allows projects to adhere to this with tagging.

This document (as gist) has over 140 commits, so it's seen significant changes. I am proposing this usage of SemVer for this project:

  • MAJOR : Change in the scope of this document ( #7 )
  • MINOR : Change in status of one of the tracked programs. Change in background/detection infos
  • PATCH : Spelling/Grammar

I would like to hear what people's thoughts are on this.

Patch may be pointless for a document like this as tracking minor changes is more effort than its worth.

I think as long as the document is primarily viewed within a Git-supporting context (such as the gist or this repo on GitHub), the most important information regarding versioning – its timestamp – is always clearly communicated. IMHO no separate version number is necessary as long as I know if what I'm reading is up to date.

Anyhow, more important than slapping a semver on the doc itself is clearly stating within the doc the exact version / point in time / commit (preferably all of it together :) ) of the referred project (terminal or application) the information applies to. Different parts of the document may be more current than others, and it's always good to know what is what.

(Btw: Awesome work on curating this information in the first place @XVilka! I'm just passing by and found it very insightful.)

Yeah now that I think about it, semver is used so that dependencies can be tracked. This project will not be conceivably used as a dependency.

Agree that timestamp (or commit) will be most relevant here, if ever.

@felixrabe cheers for the input - closing as you have a good point