terjeio / GRBL_MPG_DRO_BoosterPack

Tiva C BoosterPack for GRBL MPG/DRO

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MPG cannot be used

CHTUZKI opened this issue · comments

Can the "GRBL_MPG_DRO_BoosterPack" project use MPG when the keyboard is unavailable?

My MPG is connected to the PC5 and PC6 pins of TivaC. When I rotate the MPG, nothing happens.

I connected a switch at the MPG_MODE_PIN pin and put the program in MPG mode. The X-axis label on the TFT screen also turned green.

In the TM4C123/driver. c file:

static void MPG_X_IntHandler (void)
    uint32_t pos;
    static int32_t last = 0;


    if((pos = QEIPositionGet(QEI0_BASE)) != last) 
        last = pos;
        mpg.x.position = ((int32_t)pos - MID_POS);
        mpg.x.velocity = QEIVelocityGet(QEI0_BASE);

interface.on_mpgChanged(mpg);It will not be executed. I found that the function pointer will be cleared after the program enters the main interface.

In the file dro. c:

        case EventWidgetPainted:;
            uint_fast8_t i;
            char rpm[10];
            event = 0;
            isReady = false;
            grbl_data = setGrblReceiveCallback(displayGrblData);
            for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if(axis[i].visible) {
                    axis[i].lblAxis->widget.fgColor = i == mpg_axis ? Green : White;
                    UILibLabelDisplay(axis[i].lblAxis, axis[i].label);
                    if(i == X_AXIS)
            drawString(font_freepixel_17x34, 5, RPMROW, "RPM:", false);
            sprintf(rpm, "%6.1f", mpg_rpm);
            lblRPM->widget.fgColor = Coral;
            UILibLabelDisplay(lblRPM, rpm);
            drawString(font_23x16, 220, RPMROW - 3, "Jog:", false);
            drawString(font_23x16, 87, STATUSROW, "Feed:", true);
            if(grbl_data->mpgMode) {
                displayMPGFactor(X_AXIS, axis[X_AXIS].mpg_idx);
                displayMPGFactor(Y_AXIS, axis[Y_AXIS].mpg_idx);
                displayMPGFactor(Z_AXIS, axis[Z_AXIS].mpg_idx);
            mpgReset = true;
            leds = leds_getState();
            setKeyclickCallback2(keyEvent, false);
            NavigatorSetPosition(0, nav_midpos, false);
//            serial_putC(CMD_STATUS_REPORT_ALL); // Request realtime status from grbl
            active = true;

setKeyclickCallback2(keyEvent, false);Will clear interface.on_ MpgChanged function pointer.

Can the "GRBL_MPG_DRO_BoosterPack" project use MPG when the keyboard is unavailable?

Not without modifying code or ensuring that the code starts with MPG mode on.

My MPG is connected to the PC5 and PC6 pins of TivaC. When I rotate the MPG, nothing happens.

In DRO mode the MPG encoders are polled and the callback is set to NULL. Polling is only done when connected to a controller and MPG mode has been accepted by it. MPG mode might be entered automatically on startup or requested by pulling the MPG mode pin low. The controller will respond with a |MPG:1 element in the real-time report if accepted. The request is made when a keypress (0x0D - carriage return) is received from the keypad controller.
The MPG callback is only used in some of the data entry canvases to adjust values.

I connected a switch at the MPG_MODE_PIN pin and put the program in MPG mode.

Is the MPG connected to a controller that has MPG mode enabled? And is the MPG mode request accepted?
FYI ioSender greys out the UI if MPG mode is active.

Powerful projects, I will continue to explore