tepikin / RxRegex

Reactive version of Android Regex (java.util.regex)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Reactive version of Android Regex from java.util.regex. This lib is useful if you work with large text.

The library java.util.regex has very narrow functionality. There is no way to stop the running process. You can not get the already processed part of the text - you should always wait for the full processing of the text. There is no way to get the percentage of processed text.

Features of this library:

  • Canceling parse process.
  • Get parse progress.
  • Positions of matched parts of text.
  • Positions of replaced parts of text.
  • Callback for each parsed part.
  • Support \n\r\t in replacement.

Exists two base classes: RxRegex - Reactive version and Regex - Callback version.

Add dependencies

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.tepikin:RxRegex:0.1'

How to use RxRegex

For create Observable use methods RxRegex.replace and RxRegex.find. It's Disposable objects and you can use it for stop parsing process, you can use method dispose() or just unsubscribe from Observable and parsing stops automatically.

Srting input = "Long text !12! for parsing !AB!";    // The character sequence to be matched
Srting regex = "!..!";                               // Regular expression
Srting replacement = "ABCD";                         // replacement text

// Simple usage
RxRegex.replace(input, regex, replacement)      
    .subscribe(replace -> log(replace.toString()));  // logs out: 
                                                     //    Long text   -> Long text
                                                     //    !12!        -> ABCD
                                                     //    for parsing -> for parsing
                                                     //    !AB!        -> ABCD

// Stop parsing progess by dispose()
Disposable disposable = RxRegex.replace(input, regex, replacement)
    .filter(RxRegex.OnAppend::isMatched)             // filter parts matched to regex
    .subscribe(replace -> log(replace.toString()));  // logs out:
                                                     //    !12! -> ABCD
                                                     //    !AB! -> ABCD
disposable.dispose();  // you can stop parsing at any time.

// Object in onNext() is RxRegex.onAppend. It's fields description below.
RxRegex.replace(input, regex, replacement)      
    .subscribe(replace -> {
        replace.getFromSrc()         // Start position of current part at original text
        replace.getToSrc()           // End position of current part at original text
        replace.getAppendSrc()       // Cuttent processed text part from original text
        replace.getFromDst()         // Start position of current part at replaced text
        replace.getToDst()           // End position of current part at replaced text
        replace.getAppendDst()       // Replaced text part
        replace.isMatched()          // Is current part matched to regex
        replace.getProgress()        // Current parsing progress (float from 0 - to 1)
        replace.getMatchedCount()    // Count of matched perts at this moment
// Use reactive with threads
RxRegex.replace("abcd", "bc", "BC", 0)
 .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation())        // Parse in computation thread
 .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())    // Observe in Android mainThread
 .scan(new StringBuffer(), (stringBuffer, onAppend) -> stringBuffer.append(onAppend.getAppendDst())).skip(1)
 .last(new StringBuffer()).map(stringBuffer -> stringBuffer.toString())
 .subscribe((result) -> Log.i("",result));     // result == "aBCd"

How to use Non reactive version

Non reactive version work with class Regex.

// Simple usage
String result = Regex.replace("abcd", "bc", "BC");  // result = "aBCd" 

// Use listener
Regex.replace("abcd", "bc", "BC", 0, listener );    // calls Listener with args "a -> a", "bc -> BC", "d -> d"

// Use CancelationSignal
CancelationSignal cancelationSignal = new CancelationSignalImpl();
Regex.replace("abcd", "(bc)", "_$1_", 0, listener, cancelationSignal ); 
cancelationSignal.cancel();                         // cancelationSignal stop parsing process.


Reactive version of Android Regex (java.util.regex)


Language:Java 100.0%