tenyuhuang / Multisystem

The MiSTer Multisystem console Hardware PCB - FPGA platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multisystem all-in-one console motherboard designed by Heber Ltd. for MiSTer and the DE10-nano FPGA platform

This all in one motherboard (console) is designed by Heber Ltd. and is released as open-source hardware for the MiSTer FPGA community and project. This console style motherboard provides SCART, VGA, Analog and Digital audio outputs, 128MB of SDRAM, SNAC with automatic level-shifters. Multisystem also has a built in 7 port USB 2.0 Hub. HDMI Isolation, fan connections, power switch, Ethernet, 2nd SD CARD interface and a dedicated expansion connector for various cartridges.

An open source enclosure is also available – designed for 3D printing (CC-BY-SA-4.0) commercial use license, over on Printables. Various other enclosures, modules, cartridges and expansion’s are also being made available all the time. Please check back for future updates and new 3D prints. 3D enclosure designed by Richard Horne @RichRap3D for Heber and the Multisystem / MiSTer project.

Various images of the Multisystem PCB can be found here

A comprehensive user manual for the Multisystem can be found here

Please check the manual if you have any questions about assembly and use of the Multisystem or the MiSTer FPGA project.

This board provides real time clock. It's plugged into LTC connector.

Please consider supporting the original creators for MiSTer and any of the FPGA Core developers over on Patreon or anywhere you can support or help them.

The MiSTer project, electronics hardware, the Linux software and many FPGA cores would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the community, past projects like MiST and especially Alexey Melnikov for the porting over to the DE10-nano as MiSTer. Please support the project wherever you can.

The MiSTer project forum can be found here.

We would like to thank Neil at RMCRetro for the ongoing support of this project and many others for the Retro Gaming, classic computer and Arcade gaming communities.

Heber Ltd. Heber are developing hardware for the Retro Gaming, classic computer and Arcade gaming communities. If you would like to know more, please visit our website or follow us on social media.


The PCB design and schematic is made in Altium, you will need to use Altium Designer v19.0 (or later) in order to view the source files. For convenience, gerber files (*.zip) are also included and ready to submit to a PCB manufacturer of your choice.


The MiSTer Multisystem console Hardware PCB - FPGA platform

License:GNU General Public License v3.0