tensorflow / tfx-addons

Developers helping developers. TFX-Addons is a collection of community projects to build new components, examples, libraries, and tools for TFX. The projects are organized under the auspices of the special interest group, SIG TFX-Addons. Join the group at http://goo.gle/tfx-addons-group

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TFLiteToFirebaseML Component

deep-diver opened this issue · comments

Firebase ML is a great place to store TFLite model.

With Firebase ML, we can guarantee that mobile devices can be equipped with the latest ML model without explicitly embedding binary in project compiling stage. We can even A/B test different versions of a model with Google Analytics.

It would be nice if there is a TFX component that helps publishing TFLite model to Firebase ML.

What do you think?


so this is equivalent to FirebasePublisher mentioned in tensorflow/tfx#4125

It sounds like a great idea to me! Have you joined https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/g/sig-tfx-addons ?


yes! I have joined the group already :)
What are the next steps to proceed?

For anyone that might be wondering how well TFLite and Firebase go together here's a blog post:



yes! I have joined the group already :)
What are the next steps to proceed?

You need to write a proposal. See the proposals README