tensorflow / tfx-addons

Developers helping developers. TFX-Addons is a collection of community projects to build new components, examples, libraries, and tools for TFX. The projects are organized under the auspices of the special interest group, SIG TFX-Addons. Join the group at http://goo.gle/tfx-addons-group

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add a top-level Dockerfile to create a custom tfx image that includes tfx-addons

cfezequiel opened this issue · comments

The custom tfx image would include a dev version of tfx-addons for integration testing using Vertex AI Pipelines.


    runner = tfx.orchestration.experimental.KubeflowV2DagRunner(

This was suggested by @casassg in #230, where a similar Dockerfile exists to test the predictions-to-bigquery component. #230 (comment)