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wrong calculations with TPU distribution strategy

mohammad0081 opened this issue · comments

Issue type


Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?




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GPU model and memory


Current behavior?

we expected that the training process , would be faster on multiple TPUs rather than single T4 GPU , but the numbers returned from fit() method would be the same . instead, we got faster calculations but whole different numbers returned , such as accuracy and loss significantly decreased after 5 epochs . in GPU , after 5 epochs we get 90+ percent of accuracy on test set , but on TPU mirrored strategy we get 24 % of accuracy on test set and it converges on this range

Standalone code to reproduce the issue

# the whole project is private, we have a dataset on medical images and we split the dataset into into two # directories , then we create a keras datagenerator and create train_datagen and test_datagen . 
# then we load a model from keras.applications and add three Dense layers to it for classification task . # then we fine tune the model with adam optimizer with lr = 0.0001 . 
# the creation and compilation of the model are on the strategy.scope() , which strategy is created
# exactly from Tensorflow.org  "use TPU's" and mirrored strategy docs

Relevant log output

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