tensorflow / profiler

A profiling and performance analysis tool for TensorFlow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Profiler tap on Tensorflow is blank

ingolfured opened this issue · comments


I'm running

Tensorflow 2.3.0
Tensorboard 2.3.0

After successfully profiling a job, I start up Tensorboard on the same server as I trained using

tensorboard --bind_all --logdir=`pwd`

Later, I open up my Chrome (or Firefox), select the profile tap and get a blank screen. The chrome console shows an error

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED  - www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js

I believe it's this line

The workstation is not connected to the internet. Is there any possibility to run the profiling tool locally without needing the world wide web?



In the documentation https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/profiler it says

Note: The Profiler requires internet access to load the Google Chart libraries. Some charts and tables may be missing if you run TensorBoard entirely offline on your local machine, behind a corporate firewall, or in a data center.

Only some charts may be missing, I'm having the same problem where profile tab shows blank page (running behind corporate firewall). Is it expected behavior? As I expected at least some rudimentary graphs.