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[deeplab] what's the parameters of the mobilenetv3 pretrained model?

mmxuan18 opened this issue · comments

very glad to see there is newest mobilenet_v3 pretrain model, i want to use it as pretrain model to fine tune on my own dataset, but i can't find it's parameters that train this, when i use the mobilenet v2 parameters, can't success, can any one help?

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Sorry for the late response. the following commandline flags would need to be set for v3 models, in addition to model_variant, which should be "mobilenet_v3_large_seg" for large v3 model and "mobilenet_v3_small_seg" for small.


I was able to train with these parameters (

python train.py --dataset cityscapes --dataset_dir ../../datasets/cityscapes/tfrecord --train_logdir checkpoints/2020-02-05-cityscapes-mobilenet_v3_small_seg --train_split train --model_variant mobilenet_v3_small_seg --train_crop_size=769,769 --training_number_of_steps=180000 --train_split=train --decoder_output_stride=8 --image_pyramid=1 --image_se_uses_qsigmoid=1 --decoder_output_is_logits=1 --decoder_filters=19 --decoder_use_sum_merge=1 --aspp_with_squeeze_and_excitation=1 --aspp_with_concat_projection=0 --aspp_convs_filters=128 --image_pooling_stride=4,5 --image_pooling_crop_size=769,769

but I cannot evaluate the trained model using

python eval.py --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/2020-02-05-cityscapes-mobilenet_v3_small_seg --dataset cityscapes --dataset_dir ../../datasets/cityscapes/tfrecord --model_variant mobilenet_v3_small_seg --decoder_output_stride=8 --image_pyramid=1 --image_se_uses_qsigmoid=1 --decoder_output_is_logits=1 --decoder_filters=19 --decoder_use_sum_merge=1 --aspp_with_squeeze_and_excitation=1 --aspp_with_concat_projection=0 --aspp_convs_filters=128 --image_pooling_stride=4,5 --batch_size 1 --output_stride=8 --eval_crop_size="769,769"

, I get the following error:

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: padded_shape[0]=137 is not divisible by block_shape[0]=2
	 [[node MobilenetV3/expanded_conv_4/depthwise/depthwise/SpaceToBatchND (defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/python/framework/ops.py:1748) ]]


seems to be solved using some of the dataset flags from train.py missing in eval.py: min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor, scale_factor_step_size.

better yet set eval_crop_size to 2049,1025 as per https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/deeplab/g3doc/faq.md

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