tensorflow / minigo

An open-source implementation of the AlphaGoZero algorithm

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Onscreen buttons in lw_demo don't toggle (work)

lanner17 opened this issue · comments

I just set up a Coral Dev Board. The basic demo with the video where it labels cars run Ok and works. The next step was to set up the Minigo project (https://coral.ai/projects/minigo/). I pulled the latest from git.
A display and mouse is connected to the board. The AI will play against itself - all seems OK. However, I cannot get the demo (http://localhost:5001/lw_demo.html) to toggle between human and AI. I tried both the white and black buttons, but it will not toggle. However, I can always place stones for black and white - so the mouse works. There seems to be a problem with the onscreen buttons. I don't know much JavaScript, but tried to look at it anyway, but it seems be optimized code and is not readable. Any help will be appreciated