tensorflow / cloud

The TensorFlow Cloud repository provides APIs that will allow to easily go from debugging and training your Keras and TensorFlow code in a local environment to distributed training in the cloud.

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tfc don't pusblished the image to GCR

eddydecena opened this issue · comments


Tensorflow cloud has a lot of time in the process of publishing image to GCR and no image appears in GCR.

I tried publishing the image by myself and everything was fine.

Here the log in my console:

2020-09-02 15:01:21.745389: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:48] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.10.1
No labels provided for the training job.Please consider creating labels to help with retrieval of job information. Please see https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/training/docs/resource-labels for more information.
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Building docker image: gcr.io/project-name/tf_cloud_train:05b8e50d_acf2_41b5_b3a6_e0c3eb6b1ab9
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Step 1/4 : FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:2.3.0-gpu
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> 20fd065e3887
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Step 2/4 : WORKDIR /app/
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> Running in 892c4cc17140
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> bf5abed8985f
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Step 3/4 : COPY /app/ /app/
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> eaa461ba214d
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Step 4/4 : ENTRYPOINT ["python", "tmpltz0ds3w.py"]
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> Running in dd0b61d89a4a
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize: ---> 20118b9e1674
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Successfully built 20118b9e1674
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Successfully tagged gcr.io/project-name/tf_cloud_train:05b8e50d_acf2_41b5_b3a6_e0c3eb6b1ab9
INFO:tensorflow_cloud.core.containerize:Publishing docker image: gcr.io/project-name/tf_cloud_train:05b8e50d_acf2_41b5_b3a6_e0c3eb6b1ab9

I followed the High level overview and Setup instructions

Tools and Environment:

  • Ubutnu 20.04.1 LTS
  • tensorflow 2.3.0
  • tensorflow-cloud 0.1.6
  • docker 19.03.12 (client and server)
  • python 3.8

I close the problem because it is not a tfc problem, I have a huge image and it takes me a long time to load it into GCR.

Thank you for the update @Eddynelson !