tensorflow / build

Build-related tools for TensorFlow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


bhack opened this issue · comments


Migrating from https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/issues/1894
It could be nice if we could generate/distribute compile_commands.json to better interact with some IDE and our c++ code.

I.e. In Bazel and also in Vscode the the official Bazel team vscode plugin we don't have in tree support to generate compile_commands:

I've tried some quite popular community workaround like:

But the problem is that we are using --action_env for build when we generate our .bazelrc with python configure.py and so these arguments not supported in other command like e.g. bazel query bazelbuild/bazel#10226.
This is going to invalidate the official bazel vscode plugin that need to execute query command but also the bazel-compilation-database workaround cause we have problem to retrieve our env variable.


how we genrerate compile_commands.json?

@bhack I am curious if you can use https://github.com/hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands-extractor to generate compile_commands.json for tensorflow? It cannot work with TensorFlow due to errors like "Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/toolchains/win_1803/py36:py3_runtime' failed
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/toolchains/win_1803/py36:py3_runtime' failed; build aborted:"