tensegrity666 / ceasar-cipher

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Deadline: 23:59 06.10.2020

Caesar Cipher

CLI-tool, based on Commander.js for encoding and decoding text messages.

Implementation features:

A shift of 1 means that the current letter will be replaced with the next letter in the alphabet.
A shift by a negative number is possible, with -1 the letter will be replaced by the letter in front of it.
With a shift of more than 26 characters (the length of the Latin alphabet), the characters will be taken from the beginning of the alphabet (27 - "a", 28 - "b" and so on).


Original text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Encripted with shift 1:
Mpsfn jqtvn epmps tju bnfu, dpotfdufuvs bejqjtdjoh fmju, tfe ep fjvtnpe ufnqps jodjejevou vu mbcpsf fu epmpsf nbhob bmjrvb.

  • Clone repo (via SSH)
    $ git clone git@github.com:tensegrity666/ceasar-cipher.git

  • then checkout to origin/dev:
    $ git fetch origin
    $ git checkout -b dev origin/dev

  • Install
    $ npm i

  • Run example
    $ npm run example

  • Watch info
    $ npm run help

Tool accept 5 options:

  • -h, --help: info about options;
  • -s, --shift: shift (must be a NUMBER, required option);
  • -i, --input: path to input file;
  • -o, --output: path to output file;
  • -a, --action: encode/decode (case insensitive, required option)

Usage example:

Entry point: app.js

  • from root of repo:
    $ node src/app -s 5 --input test.txt -o out.txt --action encode

  • from /src:
    $ node app -s 1 -a encode
    $ node app --shift 1 --action decode
    $ node app -s 2 -i example.txt -a decode
    $ node app -s 22 -i example.txt -a encode
    $ node app -s 14 --input example.txt --output test.txt -a encode

stop execution of app: control + C