tenox7 / ttyplot

a realtime plotting utility for terminal/console with data input from stdin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plans for a post-1.4 release off Git master?

hartwork opened this issue Β· comments

Hi @tenox7,

thanks for sharing ttyplot as Software Libre! πŸ‘ I noticed that there are 90+ commits on master since release 1.4 and that Debian-based distros have packaged post-1.4 Git snapshots:


To my understanding both indicate, that there is lack for a more recent release.
Are there any plans to cut a release 1.5+ off master? I'm considering packaging ttyplot for Gentoo, and that would be a great match.

Thanks and best, Sebastian

Plans are there, but things are slow at the moment with layoffs and economy down. I want to add couple of features before I release 1.5. I think it still may be a few weeks or months even before I have time for this. Lets keep this open.

recently fixed an issue with sigwinch / refresh so that may be a good candidate for a release, so ... soon

@tenox7 yes please πŸ‘

For anyone else reading: related commit for sigwinch is f40a11b

Also added sigprocmask to block sigwinch interrupting sigwinch handler. I'm going to start testing on different platforms and make a release if no further issues with this.

@tenox7 since you mention testing, I notice that there is no CI yet. I can add a simple GitHub Actions CI for Linux shortly as a pull request if that's welcome. It should protect against future build error regressions and also has a chance to uncover compilation issues with modern compilers. What do you think?

EDIT: There is a pull request #72 adding CI now.

it's coming soon, someone wants to add -v option to print version number and then we can make 1.5


@tenox7 thanks!