tenor / RestBus

Easy, Service Oriented, Asynchronous Messaging and Queueing for .NET

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Pub Sub support on the roadmap?

russfrisch opened this issue · comments

I came across this project while watching a recent ASP.NET Community Stand up and it looks very promising! I currently use NServiceBus to implement a loosely-coupled micro-services architecture and I love this project's premise of simplicity and high performance.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I not seeing a way currently to perform the equivalent of publishing an event that could be subscribed to by multiple services. What's currently supported appears to be more direct point to point communication akin to sending commands/responses in the NServiceBus world.

I'm just curious if I'm missing something or if indeed Pub Sub is not yet supported, is this a goal of the project? I saw a line item for "Topics/Headers/Fanout/Direct "fanout" exchanges" for RabbitMQ - could this be related to Pub/Sub support?

Awesome work so far, really excite to see where this project heads in the future.