tendermint / tmkms

Key Management service for Tendermint Validator nodes

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SGX signing provider

tomtau opened this issue · comments

It could be good to have it as a middle-ground between HSM and software-only providers: https://github.com/tendermint/kms#signing-providers

Rust has excellent support for SGX thanks to a ton of amazing work by people at Fortanix (cc @jethrogb). In fact, you should be able to make an experimental SGX build of the KMS by installing their Rust target and compiling the KMS to target it:


As it were, we (as in iqlusion) are going through the Intel SGX whitelisting process so we can sign enclaves. When we're through the SGX whitelisting process we'll look into what it takes to make a signed production release of Tendermint KMS that does softsign-in-SGX.

Some extra thoughts: