tendermint / tmkms

Key Management service for Tendermint Validator nodes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tmkms should print error message if there aren't any configured chains/validators

gaia opened this issue · comments


Is this all I should see? it shuts down immediately (v0.6.3)

adapter = { type = "usb" }
auth = { key = 2, password = "kms-operator-password-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
connector_server = { laddr = "tcp://", cli = { auth_key = 2 } }
# tmkms start -v
21:25:11 [debug] registered component: abscissa_core::terminal::component::Terminal (v0.3.0)
21:25:11 [debug] registered component: abscissa_core::logging::component::Logging (v0.3.0)
21:25:11 [info] tmkms 0.6.3 starting up...
21:25:11 [debug] Main thread waiting on clients...
21:25:11 [info] Shutdown completed successfully

That is definitely confusing! The problem is you don't have any chains/validators configured, so it has nothing to do. It should probably print an error message in this case.

Have a look at the validator configuration section in the example config file:



Thanks Tony

@gaia gonna reopen this and use it to track adding a better error message in this case