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Getting this error trying to sign my transaction from alan

kjawadDeveloper2 opened this issue · comments

gRPC Error (code: 2, codeName: UNKNOWN, message: HTTP/2 error: Connection error: Connection is being forcefully terminated. (errorCode: 10)

Looks like something related with grpc/grpc-dart#451

After digging i found the error comes from this method. When it calls _client.account(request);

This method can be found in package:alan/x/auth/querier.dart

  Future<AccountI?> getAccountData(String address) async {
        final request = auth.QueryAccountRequest.create()..address = address;

      final response = await _client.account(request);
      if (!response.hasAccount()) {
        return null;

      final account = Codec.deserializeAccount(response.account);
      return account.address == address ? account : null;

hi @kjawadDeveloper2, is it possible that #104 fixes that problem for you? seems like we didn't serialize grpc and lcd ports correctly and if you use custom ones in your implementation, it will be overriden by default values instead. after #104 this should be now fixed

Hi @andrzejchm , the problem fails inside the http2 library with the message :

"FrameSizeException: Incoming frame is too big."

I couldn't find anything relevant at google... "/

We reached to this problem only because of #104 . Before that we face #103.

New error : gRPC Error (code: 5, codeName: NOT_FOUND, message: HTTP connection completed with 404 instead of 200, details:…

The issue is resolved now so closing it.