tenbaht / VirtualWire

A fork of VirtualWire including full version history from v1.0 up to v1.27. Originally published by Mike McCauley <mikem@open.com.au> on http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/VirtualWire/ as a collection of zip archives.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

<util/crc16.h> Error

Azthriel opened this issue · comments

Hi, i'm trying to use your library for my code and an error is popping out and i don't know how to solve it. If someone can help me i'll be extremely grateful.

Te issue is the next one: [{
"resource": "/.../.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp",
"owner": "C/C++: IntelliSense",
"code": "1696",
"severity": 8,
"message": "cannot open source file "util/crc16.h"",
"source": "C/C++",
"startLineNumber": 16,
"startColumn": 3,
"endLineNumber": 16,
"endColumn": 26

I'm using a ESP32 dev module. Thanks for the help