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Unclear Documentation

christopheragnus opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I have gotten the authentication tokens working and have created a number using the provision method. How do I actually send a SMS message? I get a 400 error / bad request error.

Your documentation is very unclear on how to add a JSON payload. Anyone able to get this working that could guide me?


Hi @christopheragnus,

When you say isnt very clear did you check the payload doc?

Heres a sample script if it helps, make sure you've done a provisioning call first to get a mobile number associated with the API keys (included below)

require 'Telstra_Messaging'

api_instance =

client_id = "clientid" # String | 

client_secret = "clientsecret" # String | 

grant_type = "client_credentials" # String | 

result = api_instance.auth_token(client_id, client_secret, grant_type)

Telstra_Messaging.configure do |config|
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: auth
  config.access_token = result.access_token

api_instance =

#activate number 
arr = {'activeDays' => 30}

body =

result = api_instance.create_subscription(body)
p result

api_instance =

arr = {'to': '0400000000', 'body' => 'hello world'};

payload =

result = api_instance.send_sms(payload)
p result

Hi @developersteve,

Thanks for sending that! I was confused on how to send the acutal payload (I got the provision part working). I will give it a test and report back.

This bit wasn't in the docs:

api_instance =

arr = {'to': '0400000000', 'body' => 'hello world'};

payload =

result = api_instance.send_sms(payload)
p result

EDIT: SMS works!

Hi @developersteve

Do you have any code snippets/example to test out MMS?

Where do I find the payload doc?


Yup see if this works, just place after the auth call.

Note: img = 'base64' - without the base64 and file type start. You can also send multiple images by including them in the mms_content array in the same format as the mms var below

mms = {'type': 'image/png', 'filename': 'test.png', 'payload': img }

api_instance =
send_mms_request = = '0400000000'
send_mms_request.mms_content = [mms]

result = api_instance.send_mms(send_mms_request)
p result

For more info check out which also links to the mms array payload doc


Hmm, I'm can receive the MMS but I am not receiving image itself.

My console output shows the HTTP status code was 201.

ETHON: performed EASY effective_url= response_code=201 return_code=ok total_time=1.38437
 => #<Telstra_Messaging::MessageSentResponse:0x007fec825e95e0 @messages=[#<Telstra_Messaging::Message:0x007fec825e9338 @to="+61466979228", @delivery_status="MessageWaiting", @message_id="", @message_status_url="">], @message_type="MMS", @number_segments=1, @country="[{:AUS=>1}]">

I am sending this into IRB.

api_instance =
send_mms_request =

mms = {'type': 'image/png', 'filename': image, 'payload': 'base64' } = '+my number here'
send_mms_request.mms_content = [mms]

result = api_instance.send_mms(send_mms_request)
p result

EDIT: I think its something to do with image.
image = require './test.png' where test.png is a image file in the same directory. This doesn't load the image though and it doesn't work.

What does payload do?

Any ideas?

The payload is the image in base64, you cant send 'base64' as a string.

If you want to load an image and convert to base64 for sending you need to do something like this ...

require 'base64'
Base64.encode64("file_path", "rb").read)

@developersteve Hey thanks for that!

This works for me now and I'm now properly receiving images!

require 'base64'
encoding = Base64.strict_encode64("./test.png", "rb").read)

Another question, when retrieving images from MMS/SMS, how long are they stored for?
Does it retrieve the images if they are in array in Base64 format as well?
Are there size restrictions for the images?

Woot, good to hear 👍

They arent stored just sent to the nominated number, also its important to note that currently the limitation on image size is 2 meg. You are actually able to receive them back to the number via the notifyURL as long as the images are no bigger than 2meg as well.