telkenes / telk-music

Telk-music official github repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telk Music Discord.js Music Module

Important Note: This module does not work for discord.js masters as embeds are differnt

The commands available are:

  • play [a url or search string]: Play a video/music
  • p [a url or search string]: Play a video/music
  • search [a url or search string]: making this command a bit different than play command
  • skip [number]: Skip some number of songs. Will skip 1 song if a number is not specified.
  • queue: Display the current queue.
  • volume [number]: Change the volume from 1-200(sometimes the quality is bad)
  • clearqueue: Clears the song queue.
  • stop: Stops the bot from playing music
  • loop [on/off]: Loops the queue
  • np: shows the song that is currently playing
  • nowplaying: shows the song that is currently playing
  • lyrics: shows the current song lyrics
  • pause: Pause music playback.
  • resume: Resume music playback.

other commands this option with only work when the other commands option is on

  • ping: sends the ping of the bot
  • help: sends the command list
  • stats: sends some stats of the bot
  • about: sends information about the bot

removed commands

  • leave: Clears the song queue and leaves the channel. Reason: clearqueue is the same and leave clears the queue which idk(i dont think dis command is necessary)

How to use

npm packages you need

  • npm install node-opus or npm install opusscript: yay a voice support npm package lul
  • npm install ytdl-core: npm package for playing the video
  • npm install telk-music: why would u read this without downloading the npm package?
  • npm install ffmpeg-binaries
  • You will also need ffmpeg

code example

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const music = require('telk-music');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const token = "<bot_token>" //dont show this to anyone!

client.on('ready', () => {
    console.log(`Music Bot is now ready!`);

music(client, {
  apikey: 'ytapikey' //dont show this to anyone!


Name Info Type Example
apikey google api key string 'google api key'
prefix the bots prefix(supporting per guild prefix soon™) string '-'
maxQueueSize set the max queue size(0 is unlimited) init 100
deletemsg if the bot should delete messages or not true/false false
play_is_search should the play command allow you to have a song selection or auto select true/false true
messages set custom messages object {search: ':mag_right: Searching `{song}` . . .', added: '':musical_note: Added {song} to the queue!', play: ':notes: Now Playing {song}!', loop: ':white_check_mark: loop turned {toggle}!', end_of_queue: ':white_check_mark: We ran out of songs.', channelerror: ':x: Sorry but you cannot use {command} in dms'}
emotes set the custom emotes object {x: ':x:', check: ':white_check_mark:', mag: ':mag_right:'}
othercmds if the bot should have other commands true/false true

Notes: in the messages section you can edit the end_of_queue to 'off' to make it not send a message at the end of the queue. only the apikey option is the one that is important the rest is optional

Extra Information

  • by telk
  • music commands are disabled in dms!
  • lyric command now works better
  • doesnt response to other bots
  • need help? join


Telk-music official github repo


Language:JavaScript 100.0%