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Tekton dashboard RBAC

AshwinSridharan0410 opened this issue · comments

As the current tekton dashboard doesn't have the RBAC support to provide various degrees of access based on the role . Would like to know the progress made by the community . And I see there are issues(feature request ) already for this.

One current approach is to integrate OIDC with tekton dashboard.

Other than that , if there are any , would like to know .


Hi @AshwinSridharan0410, can you elaborate on exactly what it is that you're looking for, your use case, etc.? Which existing feature requests are you referring to? Is there a specific feature / capability missing that you need?

If this is specifically related to the Tekton Dashboard it's probably best discussed in the Dashboard repo and I'll try to get this issue transferred.

The Dashboard install docs include information on user impersonation with a third-party auth proxy. There's guidance for configuring some common proxies, and a detailed step-by-step walk-through to show a concrete example of implementing this with oauth2-proxy and GitHub. See https://tekton.dev/docs/dashboard/install/#access-control

Okay @AlanGreene. I will look into those docs and try it first .
My usecase would be to restrict certain people from triggering the pipelines (they can only see it- read access) and certain people like admins should be provided all the access of triggering the pipelines and stuff.

https://tekton.dev/docs/dashboard/install/#access-control -> I went through this documentation and worked hands-on. How will this work for say.30 people , where in only 5 people can trigger a pipeline ; rest 25 of them can only view it(read access)