tejeez / rtl_coherent

Synchronized RTL-SDR receivers and direction finding

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pti13 opened this issue · comments


I am trying to use this software to sync my 2 haked RTL receivers.
I can see that is is build and configured specifically for project that is described in README.
How I can use it, just to sync receivers and run rtl_tcp?

Thanks in advanced.

Do you want a server that works like rtl_tcp but provides two synchronized signals instead? You could remove the calls to the part that does direction finding (corr_block) and send the samples to a TCP socket instead. See here:

sync_blockp(blocksize / sizeof(csample_t), (csample_t**)buffers, &nsamples, bufs, fracdiffs, phasediffs);

Note that it can already write the samples to a file if you give W as the second command line argument. You could that from there.

Note that rtl_coherent works in short blocks of samples so you don't get a continuous stream. You also need the circuit to switch a noise source to the RF inputs at start of each block.

rtl_coherent was never really designed to be easily usable for purposes other than demonstrating that synchronization is possible. I've been working on a totally rewritten (possibly but not yet gnuradio based) version that would more easily provide a continuous stream of synchronized samples to other applications.

You might also want to try https://github.com/ptrkrysik/multi-rtl which may not synchronize phases properly but should be easier to use. (I couldn't get it to work though when I tried last year...)
