tejeez / rtl_coherent

Synchronized RTL-SDR receivers and direction finding

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Direction finding doesn't seem to work

jacobstein123 opened this issue · comments

I have the hardware all built (with the noise / signal switching working and the shared clock), and your code detects all three dongles and seems to run successfully, but in the waterfall visualization there is no green blob corresponding to the angle of arrival. It seems like it's just a green vertical bar of dots which doesn't correspond to any specific angle. I'm using three antennas in the same orientation (and almost the same distance from each other) as your pizzabox setup, and I've updated all the coordinates to reflect my setup. Even after I got the inter_df.py compass script working, it just jumps all over the place instead of showing one direction.

Do you have any advice for how I can get it working? Thanks!