teddyzeenny / ember-mocha-adapter

A mocha adapter for ember-testing.

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Possible to run single test file?

jme783 opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I find that it slows me down to need to run ever single test every time that I want to re-run a particular test. Is there any sort of flag/setting to allow me to run test from a particular file?



This is not related to this adapter. This depends on your test runner. Are you using ember-cli?

Yep, using ember-cli

ember-cli can help you filter. How do you run the tests?

I normally just run ember test or ember test --server

Assuming you want to run test containing the phrase "creating comments" in its description:

ember test --filter "creating comments"

Ah cool! Does this need to be in a describe() specifically, or could it also be in an it() statement? Thanks so much for your help!!

I think it would work, you can try it out :)