TechToThePeople / mepwatch

Generate scorecards and campaign tools for the European Paliament votes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#install sudo -H pip install autocrop npm install gulp

#pictures gulp face autocrop -i tmp/mepphoto -o img/mepphoto -w50 -H50 --facePercent=100

process manually the non detected faces

data and geo

ndjson-cat europe.geojson | ndjson-split 'd.features' > europe.ndjson ndjson-map ' =,d' < europe.ndjson > europe-id.ndjson ndjson-map ' = {},d' < europe-id.ndjson > europe-idprop.ndjson ndjson-reduce < europe-idprop.ndjson | ndjson-map '{type: "FeatureCollection", features: d}' > europe-id.geojson geo2topo countries=europe-id.geojson > europe.topojson


parties twitter

Group discipline:

select "group",count() from (select identifier,"group",count() from (select identifier,"group",result,count() as count from mep_rollcall group by identifier,"group",result) t group by identifier,"group" having count() > 1) n group by "group";


Generate scorecards and campaign tools for the European Paliament votes