technoweenie / coffee-resque

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not parsing args correctly when running jobs?

cmeiklejohn opened this issue · comments

When queuing a job up with a string with length greater than two, I'm getting failures when trying to run the job.

For instance:

resque.enqueue('things', 'build_thing', '1');

Jobs = { 
 build_thing: function(arg, callback) {
  # arg gets set to 1

resque.worker('things', Jobs);

However, with an id greater than that I experience this:

resque.enqueue('things', 'build_thing', '22');

Jobs = { 
 build_thing: function(arg, callback) {
  # arg gets set to 2

resque.worker('things', Jobs);

TypeError: string is not a function              
    at String.CALL_NON_FUNCTION (native)              

Adjusted description to reflect that this is a problem with a string with length > 1.

Check this out and see if things work for you if you use an Array for the args. This maybe a good place to apply a splat in coffee-resque.

It is not working if I use an array. I get this with an array of numbers: TypeError: number is not a function
or with an array of Strings: TypeError: string is not a function

If you could share the code you are working on it would be helpful for me to diagnosis? Or at least the coffee-resque relevant codez? Something isn't setup quite right.

k, sure. one sec.


var Jobs = {
  succeed: function(arg, callback) { callback(); },
  fail: function(arg, callback) { callback(new Error('fail')); },
  build: function(build, callback) { 
    console.log('Build called with: ' + build);

var worker = resque.worker('builder', Jobs);

worker.on('job', function(worker, queue, job) {
  console.log("Attempting job; worker: " + worker + " queue: " + queue + " job: " + job);



      resque.enqueue('builder', 'build', JSON.stringify({ 

Ok, so I'm assuming that you connected resque to redis. If you look at the enqueue method you shouldn't need to_json your args manually. Can you try just this in server.js. In the code above the args still aren't in an array.

resque.enqueue('builder', 'build', [{build_id:}]);

That worked perfectly.

Splendid! Good luck and hit us with any feedback that you might have.


Thanks so much!