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lein run: --quote-args flag has no effect?

metametadata opened this issue · comments

I want to use lein run with the function which has non-string args. --quote-args seems to be the solution for it but it doesn't work. From lein run --help:

The `--quote-args' flag quotes the arguments passed in, instead of converting
them to strings. Useful if you want to pass in :project/key entries that might
be/contain lists.

I may misunderstand the purpose of the flag though. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any usage examples in tests or on the Internet.

To Reproduce

  1. Code:
    (ns foo.core)
    (defn bar
      [x y z]
      (prn x (type x)
           y (type y)
           z (type z)))
  2. Run the command lein trampoline run -m foo.core/bar --quote-args 123 :a "b".
  3. See output.

Actual behavior

"123" java.lang.String ":a" java.lang.String "b" java.lang.String

Expected behavior

123 java.lang.Long :a clojure.lang.Keyword "b" java.lang.String


  • Leiningen Version: Leiningen 2.9.6.
  • Leiningen installation method: Homebrew.
  • JDK Version: openjdk version "11.0.8".
  • OS: macOS 11.5.2.

One workaround is to use clojure.main:

$ lein trampoline run -m clojure.main -e "(require 'foo.core)(foo.core/bar 123 :a \"b\")" 
123 java.lang.Long :a clojure.lang.Keyword "b" java.lang.String

I think this is just a case of misleading documentation. Arguments passed in from the CLI will always be strings; they can't be any other way. But the run task can take arguments from other places, like when you create an :aliases entry which invokes it. In that case, you can put non-string data in, and --quote-args should protect it.

For example: :aliases {"wat" ["run" "--quote-args" "-m" "hey.core/foo" {:abc 123}]}

Improved the docs in 4b43164.

Got it, thanks!