technomancy / clojure-http-client

An HTTP client for Clojure (DEPRECATED)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

clojure.http.client broken re: contrib changes

pjt opened this issue · comments

clojure.http.client is incompatible with the current 1.2 snapshot of contrib. Specifically, no longer exists, & as-str has been moved to c.c.string. duck-streams & str-utils still exist but are deprecated.The ns statement can be fixed by replacing the use statement:

(:use [ :only [as-str]]
[ :only [read-lines spit]]
[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only [str-join]]
[clojure.contrib.base64 :as base64])


(:use [ :only [read-lines spit]]
[clojure.contrib.string :only [as-str join]]
[clojure.contrib.base64 :as base64])

(Note: c.c.str-utils/str-join => c.c.string/join)


Closing out all clojure-http-client issues in hopes that folks will switch to clj-http.