technicalguru / docker-mailserver-postfixadmin

Docker image for postfixadmin in mailserver project

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Build image error

Oartihsin opened this issue · comments

While building the image it throws a gcp authentication error
What show be the base layer for the postfixadmin docker image

Step 1/9 : FROM unauthorized: You don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation, and you may have invalid credentials. To authenticate your request, follow the steps in:

Hi Oartihsin,

please check the develop branch. It is already fixed there. Will release it next weeks to master branch.

Ok. That worked. Thanks ralph
Though it gives me a connect access denied for the root user. Postfixadmin to mysql connection

Did you follow the instructions on configuring the password as in here?: - Assume you haven't set the environment variables PFA_DB_*

Also make sure to follow the bootstrap process of Postfix Admin software itself:

Yupp Ralph.
I have created a text file with values filled for each variable you mentioned
And passing the text file as argument while running the container

I also went to public/setup.php
It says
` Depends on: SQLite - OK
(change the database_type to 'sqlite' in config.local.php if you want to use SQLite)
Error: Can't connect to database
Please edit the $CONF['database_*'] parameters in config.local.php.

Connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)`

P.S I am using mysql:5.7. So i need to change database_type variable
If yes by what?

Ah, I think you mistook the config instructions. Environment variables are passed into container via docker e.g. by

docker ... -e PFA_DB_USER='myuser' -e PFA_DB_PASS='mypassword' ...

Can you paste your container startup and configuration (please erase sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, IP addresses).

docker run --env-file postfixadmin-env.txt -p 4200:80 nishit:mail

Cant we run it like this?
postfixadmin-env.txt has key value pair for all variables

ok I tried running the adhoc command and now I can see the setup page is successfully loaded
Can I know why did it not take the variables from the variable file?

The password is a bit tricky
I tried many options with 2 digits but always get "Your password must contain 2 digits" error for admin password

I am not sure, never tried an env file. Usually work with k8s nowadays. Documentation says it works. Maybe the syntax is not correct in your file.

Regarding password: the PFA setup page asks for this? Check the config var $CONF['password_validation']. It might give you a hint how the password has to look like.

Ya I checked that
It says at least 2 digits and at least three characters
I added a password with same criteria. Still error persisits

Hmm, can you try a password like this: "Acsd34fgh" ? Try to keep the digits together and at least 3 letters together. Perhaps that helps (Never had this issue before with my passwords :-)

Still the same. Seems like a new issue. Only few strands of hair left to pull out :(

Does setup password need to be have the same criteria as admin password. My setup password only has [a-z]*

Oh i got that done. the setup password also needs to have 2 digits at least

Good to hear that you meanwhile were able to resolve the issue. Can I close it then?

Ya Ya definitely. Thanks Ralph for your help

Fixed with latest release