techhat / openrecipeformat

Specs and Examples for the Open Recipe Format

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oven_* as top level information - and using oven more than once

matkoniecz opened this issue · comments

Sometimes recipe requires that oven is used more than once - and attributes like duration and temperature may be different.

It is not purely theoretical - one of my recipes for apple pie requires that shortcrust pastry is baked, then baked pastry with apples and whipped egg white is baked again.

As I understand this format - it is currently impossible to express such recipe in it.

Thanks for the suggestion, @mkoniecz. I agree that there are a number of recipes that fit this concept, and blind baking is a perfect example. I think that this would be expressed individually in a step, which should be allowable. I'll have to take a look. I don't know how that would be expressed in the recipe summary though; any suggestions?

It is similar problem as with duration - usually it is enough to provide summary value (for the entire recipe), for some it is preferable to set this value for every step.

This is a problem with a lot of recipe attributes; each nuance could easily be redefined as a sub recipe. Even something as simple as butter (room temperature) could be expressed as a sub recipe, and to me it seems that our experience with hypertext and wikis makes that feel natural from a data processing point of view, but not a traditional kitchen point of view. But both are the goal.

Thanks for bringing this up, @mkoniecz. If you have more thoughts, please do share. And I'll see if I can come up with something reasonable here too.