tebexio / Tebex-Minecraft

The new Tebex plugin for Minecraft, supporting Bukkit, Bungeecord, Velocity, Spigot, and PaperSpigot

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Tebex plugin does not parse the {id} placeholder

fabianmakila opened this issue · comments

Platform / version info

Platform: Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-59567512-b346)
Tebex plugin version: 2.0.1

Issue description

I'm currently doing a proxy switch from Bungee to Velocity. At the same time I'm also switching from the old BuycraftX plugin to the new Tebex plugin.

Currently for some reason the {id} placeholder does not get parsed properly as seen in the debug below:
[io.tebex.plugin.TebexPlugin]: Dispatching offline command 'lpv user {id} parent settrack vip vip-diamond' for player 'FabianAdrian2'

The Luckperms command feedback also confirms the fact that the {id} placeholder did not get parsed properly:
[LP] {id} is not a valid username/uuid.

Looking at the payment in the webstore, we can see that the webstore itself parses the UUID correctly. So this is most likely a plugin issue.

same issue here, the support told me end of the next week there will be a fix

I updated the plugin but the problem still persists :x

@WildBamaBoy can you say anything about that?