teamcapybara / capybara

Acceptance test framework for web applications

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Ruby 3.2.2 and Rails 7.1.2 Issues

RailsCod3rFuture opened this issue · comments


Capybara Version:
Driver Information (and browser if relevant):
cuprite/chrome-headless (latest)

Expected Behavior

Javascript should load alongside CSS when rendering page & elements will be accessible by capybara finders

Actual Behavior

CSS loads but Javascript doesn't and capybara is failing with the error below

    Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible link or button "Element"

Steps to reproduce

  1. Required gems: Latest sprockets-rails, terser, sass-rails, psych < 4, capybara, cuprite, webdrivers, capybara-screenshot
  2. Create a test with some javascript/jquery elements
  3. View the screenshot and see that no js elements are hidden

I turned on JS errors and I'm getting an error for Jquery not being present.

Ferrum::JavaScriptError: ReferernceError: $ is not defined

@RailsCod3rFuture Did you solve this problem? I'm facing the same issue.

It was related to jquery not being available for cuprite. Add a reference to your jquery file for the extensions option for cuprite & any other mandatory file for your ui. Most should work after the jquery reference is set. @huynghodfords