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`Compound Matcher Expressions`

boris-petrov opened this issue · comments


Capybara Version:
Driver Information (and browser if relevant):
selenium-webdriver 4.15.0

Expected Behavior

RSpec has a nice concept of Compound Matcher Expressions which works really well in some cases. Capybara doesn't seem to work with it:

expect(page).to have_text('a').and have_text('b')
       undefined method `and' for #<Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveText:0x22daa2df>
       Did you mean?  rand

Actual Behavior


Steps to reproduce

See example above.

That would appear that you do not have the Capybara matchers installed correctly. Check what have_text you're actually calling. Compounding is supported and tested -

@twalpole thanks for the answer and sorry for the faulty issue! Do you have any idea how I might "not have the Capybara matchers installed correctly"? Everything else from Capybara works fine for me. As you see from the error, have_text seems to be Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveText which I think is correct. I'm using JRuby, could that be the problem? Any ideas on how to debug this are appreciated!