picolino0 opened this issue · comments
You could add statistics to see how many times a soundbyte has been played, or by how many unique users etc.
Then you can sort the soundbytes based on plays.
This was an idea we had a while ago. The main problem with this is that it requires us to keep additional data with the samples. Until now it was enough to just have a folder with sound files where all necessary information could be extracted from the hierarchy and the files themselves.
So, it's quite a big step to make, and will probably take some discussion. (Or @villermen saying "Yes.")
he told me to make it an issue here xD but I agree, you would need to keep extra data, though this can easily be achieved by using a database. I think it'd be really interesting to see which soundbytes are played most often.
Yeah. Figured we were going to need one regardless if we are going to add requests. The database should be optional in any case.